Config file

MCPets 4.0.0 introduced the in-game editor to simply modify some configuration options in game, so make sure to check it out using /mcpets editor

That will save you some time not diving in configurations anymore!

The global config file is generated by MCPets as "config.yml".

Here is what you can configure into it with explanations for each feature.

# Change the default prefix in the chat
Prefix: "§8[§6MCPets§8] » "
# Change the default name of the pet on spawn (not visible)
DefaultName: §9Pet of %player%
# If you want MythicMobs name tag to show up instead of custom names players could give to their pet (true or false)
UseDefaultMythicMobsNames: false
# Whether the renaming the pet should override the default name when it's set to `None`
OverrideDefaultName: true
# Says whether the menu should open on right click or not (usually false coz we like pet animations)
RightClickToOpenMenu: false
# Says whether the menu should open on left click or not (usually true coz it's working better than right click)
LeftClickToOpenMenu: true
# Should the interaction menu open on when player is sneaking ?
SneakMode: false
# Should all pet be nameable by default ?
Nameable: true
# Should all pet be mountable by default ?
Mountable: true
# What's the minimum distance before the pet get tp back to owner when he's not flying ?
DistanceTeleport: 30
# What's the max length name of a pet (color code excluded)
MaxNameLenght: 16
# Should the inventory adapts its size to the number of pets (-1) or should it have a fixed size (up to 54)
InventorySize: -1
# Whether clicking outside the menu within a category brings back to category menu or not
EnableClickBackToMenu: true
# Whether the icon to go back into the pet selection menu should be showed in the pet interaction menu or not
ActivateBackMenuIcon: true
# Should the player be dismounted when taking damages on his mount
DismountOnDamaged: true
# Prevent the interaction menu to open while the player has a signal stick in his hand and right click
DisableInventoryWhileHoldingSignalStick: true
# Percentage of health the pet should have on respawning (living pet feature)
PercentHealthOnRespawn: 0.2
# How long before the database should save on a regular basis (in seconds)
AutoSaveDelay: 3600
# Set a default respawn cooldown to all the living pets
# Note that this value is overriden by the one you can define in the pet's config
DefaultRespawnCooldown: 0
# Should the cooldown be applied to all pet (meaning, the player can not invoke ANY pet while one cooldown is running)
GlobalRespawnCooldown: false
# Whether the dead pet should be respawned automatically when it's reborn
AutoRespawn: false
# Handles the display of experience bars
  # How big the bar is
  BarSize: 40
  # What's the unit symbol
  Symbol: '|'
  # What's the color of the progression
  ColorDone: §a
  # What's the color of the remaining part
  ColorLeft: §f
# Handles the display of taming progress bars
  # Where should the taming progress be shown ?
  # Types are : CHAT, TITLE, ACTION BAR
  AnnouncementType: CHAT
  # How big the bar is
  BarSize: 40
  # What's the unit symbol
  Symbol: '|'
  # What's the color of the progression
  ColorDone: §a
  # What's the color of the remaining part
  ColorLeft: §f
# You can list worlds in which pets are not allowed to spawn in that list 
- world_dungeons
# Should we disable the MySQL completely and use flat support instead ? That can save up some loading time if you don't wanna use an SQL
DisableMySQL: true
# Parameters of your SQL
  # (Optional) set a prefix for your database table for improved security
  # Default is empty
  Prefix: myprefix
  User: user
  Password: password
  Host: ip
  Port: 0
  Database: db_name

Last updated

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