MCPets 4.0.0 introduced the in-game editor to simply modify categories in game, so make sure to check it out using /mcpets editor
That will save you some time not diving in configurations anymore!
What for ?
Categories are a way of organizing your pets in the "/mcpets" menu by grouping in them sections.
How to ?
To create a category, follow these steps:
Go into "./plugins/MCPets/Categories" folder
Create a new YAML file calling it however you want.
Exemple : "all_pets.yml"
You can have a look at the category template below to complete the fields
If you want to change the icon in the pet menu, you can either try to do it by hand or import an item from the game using /mcpets item add <category_name> to then fetch the item directly into the menuIcons.yml in ./plugins/MCPets/ folder.
# What should be the title of the category in the mcpets menuDisplayName:"Category title"# What should be the name of the icon of the category in the menuIconName:"Category name"# (Optional) if you set DefaultCategory to true, all the pets are gonna be added to that category by defaultDefaultCategory:false# (Optional) you can exclude all the pets that belong to some other categories by listing it hereExcludedCategories: - mounts_category - battle_pets_category# Here you can set your icon. This is not the usual syntax.# If you want to format any item into that format directly in game,# take the said item in your hand and add it to MCPets through /mcpets item add <category_name># Then fetch it directly into the "menuIcons.yml" folder within MCPets folderIcon:==:org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStackv:2975type:PLAYER_HEADmeta:==:ItemMetameta-type:SKULLdisplay-name:'{"extra":[{"bold":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"gold","text":"category_template"}],"text":""}'loc-name:'{"extra":[{"text":"MCPets;category_template"}],"text":""}'lore: - '{"extra":[{"bold":false,"italic":false,"underlined":false,"strikethrough":false,"obfuscated":false,"color":"gray","text":"Click to apply that skin"}],"text":""}'Damage:3skull-owner:==:PlayerProfileuniqueId:543765df-1f3a-4f48-9bfe-e3a4e7f4b508name:MCPetsHeadsproperties: - name:texturesvalue:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzhmM2Q3NjkxZDZkNWQ1NDZjM2NmMjIyNDNiM2U4MzA5YTEwNzAxMWYyZWU5Mzg0OGIxZThjNjU3NjgxYTU2ZCJ9fX0=# Here list the pets IDs you want to add to this categoryPets:- baby_yokibird1- otter